Pleasure and pain
What we call anger is when things don’t happen the way we like.
What we call happiness is when things happen the way we want them to be.
But our even our likes and dislikes are not constant. They keep on changing with time. Nothing about our existence the way we know it is constant. Why are we fixated on chasing that ever changing elusive happiness that comes paired with ever changing sorrow that seems to be chasing us.
Do you find yourself swinging between those mood swings of despair and excitement? Isn’t that a conscious choice? Do you find yourself complaining? Do you find yourself enjoying the pleasures of life? Do you realise these are essentially two sides of the same coin.
Desire is always in contradiction. It is not the objects of desire but the very nature of desire that is contradictory. In ourselves we are in a state of contradiction, and that state of contradiction is brought about by desire — desire being the pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain. Pleasure and pain are inextricably linked together. Two sides of the same coin. Our life thus becomes full of contradictions and conflict. Wanting one but not wanting the other. This duality is the source of dissipation of energy. Can you see this fact operating in your life.