Lessons of life
Each one of us makes choices in life. And whatever state we find our life to be in, is because we have chosen it to be that way. Some might protest on hearing this and will counter saying “ But circumstances and people and hard luck are equally responsible for the state I am in “.
And that sounds convincing at first as none of circumstances, people or luck are in our control and surely they might impact the material outcome of an action, not what you learn from life.
When you talk about the state of your life, it has less to do with the material outcomes and more to do whether you really did what needed to be done irrespective of the gain or loss you might incur. Whether you had the courage to listen to the voice inside, the courage to follow your dreams and inner calling. Whether you measured life worth not in terms of material success but in terms of the learning the lessons you came here to learn.
Stop complaining, looking for excuses.Take ownership of your life, accept whatever state you find yourself in and make a firm resolve to start learning the most valuable lessons of life. The lessons of love, knowledge and wisdom.
We all have limited time and the clock is ticking.